
Showing posts from 2024

Chukauni - Nepali Potato Yogurt Salad

Chukauni - Nepali Potato Yogurt Salad Chukauni is a traditional vegetarian dish from the western part of Nepal and is enjoyed as a side dish. It is a popular type of salad and is eaten mainly as a side dish with roti or steamed rice. Ingredients - - 2 cup fresh curd - 2 boiled potatoes - 3 spoon roasted white sesame powder - 1 spoon red chilli powder - 1 tsp cumin seed powder - salt as per requirement - 1 green chilli - 1 onion - handful of coriander leaves - 1/2 tsp asafoetida - 1/2 tsp turmeric powder - 2 tsp mustard oil - 1/2 tsp mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds Method : 1. Finely chop the green chili, coriander leaves, and onion. Next, cut boiled potatoes into small cubes and keep them aside.  2. Take a large mixing bowl, add the curd, and whisk it using a whisker until you get a smooth texture. Next, add roasted sesame powder, red chili powder, cumin powder, asafoetida, chopped onion, potatoes, green chili, coriander leaves, and salt, and give everyth

Stuffed Red Chilli Pickle

Red Stuffed Chilli pickle - Pickles are an addition that one can find on every Indian's lunch plate. Pickles are of utmost importance not only due to its health benefits & taste addition but also they remind us of our family's tradition. This red stuffed chilli pickle is mainly prepared in the northern parts of India. Ingredients - 20 fresh red chilli - 1/2 cup black mustard seeds - 1/2 cup cumin seeds - 10 dried red chilli - 2 spoon black pepper - 2 spoon coriander seeds - 2 spoon fenugreek seeds - 1 spoon asafoetida - 2 spoon fennel seeds - 1 spoon turmeric powder - 2 spoon onion seeds - 1 spoon carom seeds - 2 spoon black salt - 2 spoon common salt - 1 spoon dry mango powder - 4 lemons - 250ml mustard seeds oil Method 1. Rinse the fresh red chilis thoroughly with water, pat them dry with a clean cloth, and then allow them to dry naturally on a plate for some time. Make sure there is no moisture left on the red chili before you start making pickles.  2. After cutting off

Apple Mango Smoothie

Apple Mango Smoothie - Smoothies are thick creamy beverages and has lots of health benefits. Smoothies are less satiating, despite providing the same amount of energy as unblended foods. The smoothie recipe that I am sharing is easy to make & delicious. Ingredients - 1 apple 1 mango Ice cubes 3 spoon jaggery powder ¼th cup thick curd 4-5 almonds and cashews Method - 1. Cut the apple & mango into small cubes and finely chop the dry fruits (almonds and cashews). 2. Take a mixer jar add apple, mango, curd, jaggery powder, ice cubes and blend it. Add more water if required to adjust the consistency. 3. Pour the smoothie into glass and garnish it with dry fruits and serve it immediately. Do try & share it with your friends & family. Note:  You can add jaggery powder as per your requirement.


Thattai - A South Indian snack that is prepared during festivals. There are many variations in thattai. Here I am sharing simple thattai recipe that one can enjoy as an evening snack with tea. Ingredients : 1 cup raw rice 2 spoon urad dal Few curry leaves 1½ teaspoon white sesame seeds 2 teaspoon red chilli powder  ½ teaspoon asafoetida 2 spoonful of softened butter Salt Procedure : 1. Soak rice for 1.5 hours Then dry it on cloth for ½ hour. Grind in mixer jar. Sieve the flour 2. Then dry roast the flour for about 3-4 mins and allow it to cool down completely 3. Add two spoon urad dal powder 4. Add finely chopped curry leaves, white sesame seeds, red chilli powder, asafoetida, softened butter & salt. 5. Crumble and mix the ingredients with the butter. Add water and knead the dough 6. Take a plastic sheet apply oil and take small balls and press it with your fingers to make flat thin mini pooris.  You can make some holes in the puris with a fork.  7. Fry the pooris on medium flame