
Showing posts from July, 2020

Curry Leaves Rice

Curry Leaves Rice-This is one of the most simplest & healthiest recipe.Curry leaves are rich source of iron & Folic acid but many a times we do not prefer to eat it because of its peculiar taste but this recipe tastes really well.. Ingredients -  1 cup curry leaves 6 spoon chana dal 2 spoon urad dal 4-5 dried red chillies 1 spoon cumin seeds 4-5 pepper corns 2 spoon coriander seeds 1/4 spoon asafoetida powder 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds 2 cups cooked rice 1/4 cup roasted peanuts 4 spoon sesame oil/sunflower oil Method -  1. Take a pan and first dry roast curry leaves till it becomes crunchy and then transfer it to a plate. 2. Next roast the chana dal and urad dal till it changes colour to slight brown and transfer it to a plate. 3. At last dry roast coriander seeds, cumin seeds, pepper and red chillies for about 3-4mins and transfer it to a plate. 4. Allow all the dry ingredients to cool completely. 5. Take a mixer jar, add all the dry roasted ingredients, salt and asafoetida po

Aaloo Kurma

Aaloo Kurma- A lip smacking side dish recipe which requires very less time to prepare and there will be no compromise on taste.  Ingredients- 3 potatoes 2 large onions 2 green chilli 1 inch ginger 2 spoon chickpea flour (besan) 1/2 teaspoon asafoetida (hing) 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder 1 spoon chana dal 1/2 spoon mustard seeds 1/2 spoon cumin seeds 5-6 curry leaves Salt Method - 1. Pressure cook the potatoes for 3 whistles. Peel off the skin, simply break the potatoes with your hands(do not mash the potatoes) and keep it aside. 2. Roughly chop the onions into big pieces and slit the green chillies into half. 3. Take a pan, pour sunflower oil, once the oil is hot add cumin seeds, mustard seeds, chana dal,curry leaves and saute till the mustard seeds splutters and chana dal slightly changes its colour to light brown. 4. Add the onions, green chilly, grated ginger, salt and saute it till the onion becomes transparent and then add one cup of water and cook the onions for about 3-4mins. 5.

Garlic Cheese Toast Sandwich

Garlic Cheese Toast Sandwich - A nutritious calcium rich recipe which is also loaded with good fats and this one is going to be all time favourite dish of children as well as adults. Ingredients -  6 bread slices 3-4 spoon soft salted butter. 1 cup grated cheese 2 spoon finely chopped garlic 1 spoon oregano 1 spoon red chilli flakes ½ Cup boiled Corn Method -  1. Take a bowl, add butter, garlic, oregano, red chilli flakes, grated cheese & boiled corn and combine it with the help of a fork spoon. (In case if you take unsalted butter do add salt as per your requirement) 2. Take 2 bread slices and spread a spoonful of the mixture that you have prepared over a bread slice and then cover it with the another bread slice and press it. 3. Apply plain butter on the outer cover of the bread and place it on tawa and toast both the sides until you get golden brown colour and crisp texture. Note: You can enjoy this Garlic cheese toast sandwich with tomato ketchup for breakfast/evening snack.


Idli –  A south Indian healthiest recipe which provides you with good amount of carbohydrates and protein, also the fermentation process increases the nutritional value of the food. Ingredients – 1 cup urad dal 1 cup parboiled rice 2 cups raw rice 1 spoon fenugreek seeds (methi seeds) Salt  Method – 1. Wash and soak the parboiled rice and raw rice 2-3 times and soak it in water for 8hours. (If you don’t have parboiled rice then directly  take 3 cups of raw rice instead of 1 cup parboiled and 2 cup raw rice). 2. Wash and soak the urad dal and fenugreek seeds for 4-5 hours separately. 3. Now take a mixer jar, add the urad dal and grind it into a fine thick paste. (add very little water if required for grinding) 4. Transfer the urad dal paste into a large bowl. 5. Next grind the soaked rice into a smooth thick paste by adding very little water. 6. Transfer the rice paste too into the same bowl in which you have kept the urad dal paste. 7. Now mix the batter using a large spo

Baingan Masala

Baingan Masala - A very popular all-time favourite recipe.  Ingredients - 3 long brinjals (if you don't get long brinjals use the regular ones) 2 onions 2 tomatoes 3 green chillies 5-6 garlic cloves 1/2 inch ginger 1 star anise 2 inch cinnamon stick 1 bay leaf 2 cardamom 4 pepper corns 2 cloves 1/2 spoon coriander seeds 1/2 spoon mustard seeds 1/2 spoon cumin seeds 1/2 cup grated coconut 1/4 teapoon turmeric powder 1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder Salt Sunflower oil/Sesame oil Coriander leaves Method -  1. Dry roast coriander seeds, cumin seeds, star anise, cardamon, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, garlic, ginger and grated coconut for about 4-5mins and keep it aside so that it cools down completely. 2. Next finely chop the onions, tomatoes and green chillies. Cut the brinjals into big pieces.  3. Take a pan pour oil into it, once the oil is hot add the mustard seeds and allow it to splutter, now add the onions and green chilli and saute it till the onions changes colour to slight brown. A

Aaloo Palak Gravy

Aaloo Palak Gravy - A nutritious and delicious way of adding greens in your diet. Also fibre rich recipe loaded with vitamins, minerals and calcium. Ingredients -  2 cups finely chopped Spinach/Palak. (We are not going to make paste out of spinach leaves here) 8 baby potatoes (If you don't have baby potatoes then use 3 regular potatoes) 10 garlic cloves 4-5 spoon sunflower oil 1 inch grated ginger 4 medium sized onions 2 tomatoes 4 green chillies 1/4 cup grated coconut 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder 1 teaspoon garam masala powder 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder 1/4 teaspoon red chilli powder 1/2 spoon jaggery powder Method - 1. Take a pan add potatoes, salt and water and let it cook till the potatoes becomes soft. . Allow the potatoes to cool down, peel off the skin cut it into small pieces and keep it aside. 2. Take a pan, pour sunflower oil and once the oil is hot add mustard seeds and cumin seeds. Allow the mustard seeds to splutte

Tea-Time Chocolate Cake (eggless)

Tea-Time Chocolate Cake (eggless) - Treat yourself with a cup of tea/coffee  coupled with chocolate cake. Ingredients - 1 cup powdered jaggery 1 cup milk 1/4 cup thick curd 1/4 cup oil/melted butter. 1 and 1/2 cup wheat flour 2 spoon cocoa powder 1 spoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon spoon coffee powder. 10 Almonds Method-  1. Take a mixing bowl add curd, jaggery powder, oil and lemon juice and then mix it with blender till all the ingredients gets mixed up nicely and see to it that the jaggery dissolves completely. 2. Next add wheat flour, cocoa powder, coffee powder and baking powder into a strainer and sieve the dry ingredients  to ensure there is no lumps. 3. Place a kadai add two 2 cups of water into it and place a stand and pre-heat the water. 4. By the time water is getting heated up, add the dry ingredients into the wet mixture that you have prepared earlier, add milk little by little and mix it gradually to form a thick cake batter. Do not mix vigorously and

Kala Chana Masala

Kala Chana/Chickpea Masala - A nutritious lip-smacking recipe enriched with iron and protein. Ingredients - 1 cup chickpea (kaala chana) 3 onions 2 tomatoes 2 green chilly 1/2 cup grated coconut 1/2 spoon Coriander seeds (Dhaniya) 1/2 spoon cumin seeds (Jeera) 1/2 spoon mustard seeds 2 bay leaf 1/4 spoon turmeric powder 1/4 spoon red chilli powder 1 spoon garam masala 8-10 garlic cloves 1 inch ginger Coriander leaves Salt Sesame oil/sunflower oil Method:  1. Soak chickpea (kaala chana) overnight/for at least 6 hours. 2. Next, finely chop the green chillies, onions and garlic. Also grate the ginger and keep it aside. 3. Take a cooker, add 4 teaspoon sesame oil/sunflower oil. Once the oil is hot add mustard seeds and cumin seeds. Allow the mustard seeds to splutter and then add the green chillies, bay leaf, garlic, ginger, onion and saute till the onion becomes transparent.  4. By the time onion is getting cooked take freshly grated coconut  and deseeded tomatoes in a mixer jar and grind

Ragi Idli

Ragi Idli/Finger millet Idli - A healthy recipe which is an excellent source of calcium. Regular intake of Ragi helps in strengthening your bones. Ingredients -  1 cup Rice 1 cup Ragi 1/2 cup Urad dal 1 spoon fenugreek seeds Salt Method - 1. Wash and soak the rice, ragi, fenugreek seeds and urad dal for 8hrs/overnight. 2. Take a mixer jar add the soaked ingredients, salt and 1/2 cup water, grind it into a smooth thick paste. 3. Transfer the batter into a bowl and allow the batter to ferment for 8hrs in room temperature.   4. Now, place water in a steamer and allow the water to boil. 5. By the time water boils, grease the idli plates with sesame oil/sunflower oil and pour the idli batter into it. 6. Place the idli plates into the steamer and cook it for 15mins. 7. Allow the idlis to cool down a little and then remove it from the idli plates and serve it. Note - Ragi Idlis can be served hot as breakfast or dinner along with coconut chutney/Red Chutney or sambhar. Link for the coconut chu

Coconut Milk Halwa

Coconut Milk Halwa - The most healthiest Halwa with all the right ingredients & most importantly this one is sugar free.. Ingredients - 1 big size coconut 1 cup wheat flour 1 and 1/2 cup jaggery powder 10-15 Cashews Method - 1. Knead wheat flour the similar way you knead to make rotis and then add 2 cups of water over the dough and let it rest for about one hour. 2. Grate one coconut and add it to a mixer jar and add one cup of water and grind it nicely to extract the first coconut milk. 3. Strain the first coconut milk with the help of cloth or strainer. 4. Again add one cup of water to the coconut and grind it nicely to extract the second coconut milk. 5. Repeat the above process & extract the third coconut milk. 6. Now add the jaggery powder into the coconut milk and keep it aside so that the jaggery dissolves.   7. Now after one hour remove the wheat flour dough that you have immersed in 2 cups of water earlier and squash the dough with your hand. You will see the water loo

Red Chutney (Onion-Tomato Chutney)

Red Chutney (Onion-Tomato Chutney) - A spicy lip smacking chutney recipe with the goodness of vegetables. Ingredients-  1 onion 2 tomatoes 2 garlic cloves 3-4 red chillies 1 spoon urad dal 1 spoon bengal gram (chana dal) A very small piece of tamarind and jaggery Salt 2-3 spoon sesame oil/sunflower oil 1/2 spoon mustard seeds 3-4 curry leaves Tip - If you have shallots then replace the regular onion with 10-15 shallots and try to use sesame oil instead of sunflower oil if you want to enjoy the best version of this chutney. Method - 1. Dry roast bengal gram (chana dal), red chilly and urad dal till it becomes slightly golden brown and then keep it aside. 2. Roughly chop the onion and tomatoes. 3. Now add 1 spoon of sesame oil/sunflower oil and saute garlic and onion till it becomes slight golden brown and then add tomatoes and saute it till it becomes mushy and allow the vegetables to cool down completely. 4. Now add the roasted chana dal, urad dal, red chillies, sauteed onion, tomato a