
Showing posts from March, 2023

Oats Bhel (Spicy, Sweet & Tangy twist)

Oats Bhel : Everyone love trying new snack every evening. We eat snacks with our tea every evening as an essential part of our meal. Try this oats bhel packed with the finest ingredients & nutrients instead of indulging in fatty & junk food. Spend some time preparing these delectable recipe and enjoying them with tea. Ingredients -  - 1 cup puffed rice - 1 cup oats - 1 cup thin poha - 3 spoon ghee/butter - a handful of curry leaves - 2 finely chopped green chilli - 1/4 cup peanuts  - 1/4 cup fox nuts (Makhana)  - 1/4 cup almonds - 1/4 cup cashew nuts - 1/4 cup pistachios - 1/4 cup raisins - 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon coriander seeds powder - 1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds powder - 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder - 1/4 teaspoon rock salt - 1 spoon salt - 1 spoon dried fenugreek leaves (Kasuri methi)  - 2 spoon jaggery powder Method - 1. Dry roast all the ingredients (oats, poha, puffed rice, peanuts, cashews, almonds, fox nuts, raisins, pistachios) one by one separately.

Vegan Rose Milk

Vegan Rose Milk - Many people love rose milk. The most healthy version that you may enjoy without compromising your health is this one. Now that summer is here, we frequently prefer to indulge in cold beverages to stay hydrated. Making this Vegan Rose Milk is incredibly simple and quick. Ingredients - - 2 beetroot - 1cup freshly grated coconut - 2 spoons soaked chia seeds - Rose essence 4-5 drops - jaggery powder 1/2 cup - few dried rose petals  Method : 1. Cut the beetroot into small cubes.  2. Take a mixer jar add chopped beetroot, grated coconut, 1 cup water and blend for a couple of minutes or till the beetroot and coconut is grounded well.  3. Pour the mixture in a bowl that is lined with a thin muslin or you can use a strainer too.  4. Now squeeze the juice from the mixture.  5. Put the pulp back into the mixer jar once again and grind it for about a couple of minutes by adding one cup of water.  6. Squeeze the mixture once more to extract the juice, then discard the pulp. With