
Showing posts from November, 2022

Protein rich healthy laddu

Protein Rich Healthy Laddu - Laddus are all time favourite, and we have all noticed that it is made during winter or on many special occasions. To increase your immunity throughout the winter,many different laddus are prepared in Indian household. I am sharing one such laddu recipe that is delicious, high in calcium, and protein. Ingredients : - 2 cup Rawa - 1 cup whole green gram (moong) - 1 cup peanuts - ½  cup black lentil (whole black urad) - ½ cup white sesame seeds (til) - ½ cup black sesame seeds (til) - ½ cup flax seeds (alsi) - ¼ cup black cumin (kalonji) - 2 spoon pepper corns - 5-6 cloves (lavang) - ½ spoon dry ginger powder - ½ cup almonds  - ¼ cup cashews - ½ cup melted ghee Method : 1. Take a pan, add whole green moong and roast it till it releases its distinct aroma and turns to light golden brown. Transfer the roasted moong to a plate and keep it aside.  1. Take a pan and start roasting all the given ingredients one by one till it releases its distinct aroma and become

Choco Banana Oats Recipe

Choco Banana Oats Recipe -  A simple and healthy recipe for your morning breakfast or to satisfy your sweet craving. It is quick to make & fantastic recipe. Ingredients :  - 1/4th cup oats - 1/2 cup milk - 2-3 spoon powdered jaggery - 1 spoon cocoa powder - 1 banana - 2-3 almonds, cashews and walnuts  Method : 1. Rinse the oats and soak it in 1/2 cup water for about 15 mins and roughly chop the dry fruits and keep it aside.  2. Take a pan add the soaked oats along with the water, add milk and cook it for about 5 mins. Once the oats have thickened, add the chocolate powder and powdered jaggery, stir well, and simmer for about one minute before turning off the heat. 3. Ganish it with chopped dry fruits and sliced banana and serve hot. Note : Make sure you use a fully ripened banana for this recipe.  You can replace jaggery powder with honey or palm jaggery.  You can also make this dish more nutritious by adding melon seeds, flax seeds, Pistachios etc. which will  give a crunchy and