
Showing posts from February, 2022

Bajra Ladoo

Bajra Ladoo - During winter, its an age-old Indian tradition to make ladoos which is meant for improving our immune system. All the ingredients used in this ladoo preparations are very nutritious. People make Methi Ladoo,Bajra Ladoo, etc. Here,I am sharing the Bajra Ladoo recipe. Very soon I will be sharing the Methi Ladoo recipe. Ingredients-  Melted Ghee - ½ cup Bajra Flour - 1½ cup Edible Gum(Gondh) - ¼ cup Roasted Peanut - ½ cup Roasted Black Sesame Seeds - ¼ cup Roasted White Sesame Seeds - ¼ cup Almonds - 10 Cashews - 10 Roasted Coconut - 2 spoon Jaggery - 1¼ cup Procedure - 1. Take a thick bottom kadai, add 3 spoon ghee & fry all the edible gum(gondh) 2. Take a large mixing bowl & add the fried edible gum & crush it nicely. 3. Now add ¼ cup ghee into the kadai & roast the bajra flour on medium low flame. 3. Once the colour changes & aroma is released, transfer the flour into the mixing bowl. 4. Remove the skin & grind the peanuts into a paste & tran

Oats Delight

Oats Delight - Oats are incredibly nutritious & are gluten-free. This recipe is really quick to make & a very healthy breakfast option. Ingredients : - 1/4th cup oats - 1/2 cup water - 2 cups of milk -1/4 cup powdered jaggery - handful of chopped dryfruits (almonds, cashews, pistachios) - 2 spoon tuti-frutti Method 1. Take a heavy bottom pan, add oats and dry roast it for about 1 minute  2. Next add water  and cook for about 2-3 mins. 3. Now add the milk and cook on medium flame till the mixture begins to thicken slightly to a porridge consistency. (It may take about 6-7 mins) 4. Switch off the flame and then add the powdered jaggery, chopped dry fruits and give it a good mix. 5. Transfer the Oats delight to a bowl and then garnish it with tuti-frutti, black raisins and serve hot. Do try this recipe & share it with your family & friends.