
Showing posts from May, 2023

Ragi Pasta

Ragi Pasta - Finger millet, commonly referred to as Ragi or Nachni, is an excellent source of calcium. Ragi should be a staple of our daily diets, but because there aren't many recipes that use it, we tend to go for other options. I'd like to share one recipe that is not only delicious but also a great substitute for the packaged pastas we typically eat. This pasta is easy to make and more healthier as it has Ragi and is freshly made. Ingredients -  For Ragi pasta - 2 cups Ragi flour - water (as per requirement)  - 1 spoon salt - 2 spoon oil For pasta making - 1 cup finely chopped cabbage - 2 capsicum - 3 tomatoes - 1 spoon red chilli - 1/2 spoon pepper powder - 1 large onion - 2 garlic cloves - 1 inch ginger piece - 1/4 cup finely chopped spring onion Method : 1. Take a mixing bowl add ragi flour, salt and mix it.  2. Next add warm water gradually and knead the dough. Keep adding water as required.  3. Knead the dough till it becomes soft, smoothy and non-sticky.  4. Coat the

Lemon Poha (No cook recipe)

Lemon Poha (No cook recipe) -  Poha is considered as one of the best replacement for rice & this recipe is a no cook recipe. Everyone will be more happier now that summer has arrived if you are not standing next to the gas stove while the food is being prepared. This lemon poha really tastes fantastic & you can enjoy as it is healthy, light, simple & easy to make. Ingredients -  - 1 cup poha - 2 lemon - 1 finely chopped green chilli - 1/4 teaspoon mustard seeds - 1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds - handful of soaked peanuts (optional)  - handful of finely chopped coriander leaves.  - 1/2 teaspoon asafoetida/Hing - 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon red chilli powder 1/2 teaspoon jaggery powder - 1 spoon gingelly oil - salt Method : 1. Rinse the poha by adding sufficient amount of water and drain the water completely using a strainer and keep it aside for about 10-15 mins. (Rinse atleast twice)  2. Check whether the poha has softened.  3. Take a large mixing bowl, add soak